Ontem me dediquei um pouco mais aos meus modelos e terminei o company hq dos meus Britanicos. Esses modelos tem alguns erros de montagem, e o tanque que vai ter o company commander deveria ter 2 bonecos, e o 2iC deveria ter um, eu me dei conta disso depois do modelo pronto.
Yesterday i finished my company HQ of my british armored company. Those models have some minor assembly mistakes. I had to build the company commander with 2 commander models, but i figured out this after the model was ready.
Eu não sei se a camoflagem está fiel aos modelos historicos, eu fiz uma pesquisa rapida e achei esse padrao de camuflagem, e também descobri que cada compania fazia um tipo de camulfagem, entao era uma confusão.
I dont know if this camo pattern is true to the historical veicles, i made a quick research and i found this pattern, and also i found out that the camo pattern of the british was a bit confusing.
Yesterday i finished my company HQ of my british armored company. Those models have some minor assembly mistakes. I had to build the company commander with 2 commander models, but i figured out this after the model was ready.
Eu não sei se a camoflagem está fiel aos modelos historicos, eu fiz uma pesquisa rapida e achei esse padrao de camuflagem, e também descobri que cada compania fazia um tipo de camulfagem, entao era uma confusão.
I dont know if this camo pattern is true to the historical veicles, i made a quick research and i found this pattern, and also i found out that the camo pattern of the british was a bit confusing.