segunda-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2012

Suart 15mm WIP I

COntinuing to painted my british armor company, I did today all the greens for the Stuarts, and paint the first color of the threads. I am using Coat d'arms colors, for the base color i used Olive drab, then i lightly drybrushed with army green, then did a final highlight with  olive drab and british khaki 50/50.

For the threads i used Citatel Dark flesh, wiht a drybrush of boltgun metal and a devlan mud wash. The dark flesh gave a nice contrast with the green of the chassis.

Now i figured out how i need an airbrush, i will see if i buy one next month. It will be a xingling for sure!

The base color was boring to paint, but after that, the painting was a breeze! Tomorrow i will try to finish the details.

Now the pictures:

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