Eu estou usando essa lista nao por vontade propria, mas porque eu não tenho os modelos certos pra fazer uma lista decente...
A idéia é usar o... ah nao tenho idéia o que eu vou fazer, mas vou fazer uma Deadstar, botando os wraithguards ou os guardians na frente, os wraithguars atras deles, e por ultimo o farseer e o wraithlord, o resto do pessoal vai tentar fazer algo nos flancos...
Aqui vai a lista
1750 Pts - Eldar Roster
Total Roster Cost: 1747
HQ: Eldrad Ulthran (4#, 323 pts)
1 Warlock Unit, 0 pts
1 Warlock, 35 pts = (base cost 25 + Destructor 10)
1 Warlock, 35 pts = (base cost 25 + Destructor 10)
1 Warlock, 43 pts = (base cost 25 + Enhance 15) + Singing Spear 3
1 Eldrad Ulthran, 210 pts
Elite: Howling Banshees (9#, 315 pts)
7 Howling Banshees, 112 pts = 7 * 16
1 Howling Banshee Exarch, 43 pts = (base cost 28 + War Shout 5 + Executioner 10)
1 Wave Serpent, 160 pts = (base cost 90 + Star Engines 15 + Vectored Engines 20) + Shuriken Cannon 10 + TL Scatter Lasers 25
Troops: Wraithguard (11#, 399 pts)
10 Wraithguard, 350 pts = 10 * 35
1 Spiritseer (Warlock), 49 pts = (base cost 25 + Conceal 15 + Spiritseer Upgrade 6) + Singing Spear 3
Troops: Guardians (11#, 135 pts)
10 Guardians, 80 pts = 10 * 8
1 Warlock, 40 pts = (base cost 25 + Conceal 15)
1 Weapon Platform, 15 pts + Scatter Laser 15
Troops: Dire Avengers (5#, 77 pts)
4 Dire Avengers, 48 pts = 4 * 12
1 Dire Avenger Exarch, 29 pts = (base cost 24 + 2 Avenger SC 5)
Troops: Pathfinders (Rangers) (7#, 168 pts)
7 Pathfinders (Rangers), 168 pts = 7 * 24 (base cost 19 + Pathfinders 5)
Heavy Support: Fire Prism (1#, 115 pts)
1 Fire Prism, 115 pts
Heavy Support: War Walker Squadron (1#, 60 pts)
1 War Walker Squadron, 0 pts
1 War Walker, 60 pts = (base cost 30) + Scatter Laser 15 + Scatter Laser 15
Heavy Support: Wraithlord (1#, 155 pts)
1 Wraithlord, 155 pts = (base cost 90 + Missile Launcher 25) + Bright Lance 40
Painting Pink Wargame Figures, and all that
Há 6 horas
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